SCC Foundation Course
It is a course for beginners, and offers insights into the basic concepts of SCCs, its functioning, structures and systems, skills of visiting, christian leadership, etc.
It is a residential program (Friday evening to Sunday evening) held at Sarvodaya Building (Goregaon East, St Pius Seminary Campus).
click here for foundation course registration form
kindly email the completed form to, and make an advance payment of Rs 200/- to Fr Mario or any FILMC member
Training Of Animators (TOA)
It is aimed at EMPOWERING THE LAY FAITHFUL to animate, form and develop Small Christian Communities & to organize and facilitate training sessions for Community Animators.
These sessions are held at the St Pius Seminary (Goregaon East) one Sunday a month from July to Feb (see registration form for dates and other details)
For any further queries contact fr Patrick D'mello -
click here for TOA registration form